In comparison with the match against Bohemians Tomáš Hořava moved to the midfielder´s position and it was him who finally decided the match against Karviná on 90 minutes.

The match was not easy, did it surprise you?

We knew Karviná play great this season, which they confirmed today, too. It was a match of high quality on both sides.

How difficult was it to catch the score twice?
At 1-0 we still had enough time and we were confident. We made it and we were ready to finish the score turn. Nevertheless, the goal to 2-1 was a cold shower for us. Andy scored a great goal to 2-2 and we finally made it.

Were you bound by a chance to get at the top of the standings or, on the contrary, did it motivate you?
We were definitely motivated. However, we focus only on ourselves. We knew we´ve got some shortcomings in our game but I think today we play well, we combined precisely and got in chances as well.

What do you say about the situation in the standings?

It´s hard to say. We got back in the leading again, we´ve won 3 matches in a row so we can be satisfied.

What about your goal at the end of the match, were you self-confident?

Yes, I was. I train shots like this one and now I used it. I focused on a perfect hit and then placing.