Milna Petržela as well as Petr Bolek played the match against Baník Ostrava at different positions than against Rapid Wien on Thursday. The former contributed to the third anf fourth goals, the latter played his first league match in this season and received zero goals.

„The 1st half wasn´t good. On the contrary, Baník had some dangerous chances and were closer to scoring. We discussed some situations in the dressing room and luckily it was obvious in our game later. We scored the first goal and we were a better team afterwards,“ Petr Bolek evaluates the match.

It took a long time to score and the first goal was scored in the 2nd half. „The crucial moment of the match was the first goal. As I could watch Baník in some previous matches they always played well until the first goal. This was proven today, too. Their team is very young, which has to have an impact when you play for the league,“ Bolek adds.

Matúš Kozáčik was quite surprisingly replaced by Petr Bolek. „Of course, I´m happy for the chance. I kept the zero in the back and I believe I didn´t disappoint the coach,“ Bolek closes.

Milan Petržela was in the starting line-up and today he coped great with his role of the substitute. He played 30 minutes and contributed to two goals. „I´m satisfied with my performance today. I came on the pitch with the only aim – to score a goal or to prepare some goal situation. Finally I did both,“ the midfielder says.

Viktoria had several break situations which helped them to win the match. „Baník had to open the defence and we wanted to take advantage of that. These moments suit us well,“ Petržela continues. „We wanted to win and nobody expects something else from us. This victory is very important,“ Milan Petržela closes.