On 62 minutes of the match between Viktoria Plzeň and Shakhtar Doneck burst out of joy. Stanislav Tecl opened the score of the Europa League match. „Pavel Horváth quickly played the free kick and Marián Čišovský sent the ball back to me. I only tried to hit the goal and not the goalkeeper. I´m glad I made it,“ he describes the scoring moment.

On 62 minutes of the match between Viktoria Plzeň and Shakhtar Doneck burst out of joy. Stanislav Tecl opened the score of the Europa League match. „Pavel Horváth quickly played the free kick and Marián Čišovský sent the ball back to me. I only tried to hit the goal and not the goalkeeper. I´m glad I made it,“ he describes the scoring moment.

He would shine more if the Ukrainian team did not tie so soon. „Unfortunately, we  let Shakhtar equal the score right after our goal, which is a real shame. If the match have ended 1:0, we´d definitely have been happier,“ he thinks. „I think we didn´t open the game. Perhaps we didn´t keep our concentration. There was this long pass..I don´t even know what to say about it,“ he is thinking about the causes of the opponent´s goal.

Viktoria still has a good position to the rematch, which is on programme on Thursday. „If our goal was the winning one, it´d be great to the rematch. 1:0 is one of th best results you can have. Unfortunately, we didn´t make it so it´ll be hard work in Ukraine. We´re strong enought to make it hard for them, too. We´ve got a big chance,“ he claims.